2022 version has been cancelled
Asheville’s laid-back, end-of-summer, all-volunteer, overly-hyphenated, contra-dance week-end.
Dance, swim, play, sing, and work with friends old and new.
Dance! Pick a style.
Waltzes in the morning. Contra in the evenings. Daytime workshops like Squares for Contradancers, English (Contra’s Smarter Older Brother), and Swing (both kinds). A kid’s parade and dance was a huge hit last year! Late at night, wander between Blues dance, the campfire sing, and impromptu afterparties.
Swim! A cool lake in August. Mmmmm.
We don’t schedule much on Saturday afternoon. It’s swim time, hangout time, maybe air-mattress derby time. And maybe a little swing dance time. But mostly we want you to catch up with old friends, meet new friends, relax, and enjoy the weekend. And the water.
Be a Star! Local talent. Really local.
Diane Silver organizes an excellent crew of callers – possibly including you!
Laura Light pulls together musicians from Asheville’s primo local talent, like Curious George, Elftones, Flying the Tune, Avant Gardeners, Steamshovel, the Atlanta Open Band, and of course our own Asheville Open Band. The stage welcomes all musicians!